.Rezign Roadshow

Experience the world’s smallest recycle factory on location!

This is the opportunity to let your clients experience what we can do with textile waste and how, for example,  our Rebel seatings are made in a nutshell.  You can even let them bring their old jeans and let them shred it themselves as part of a nice marketing campaign.

Leave your information here and we will get in touch!



Recycled bank suits in black - greyish colour.

White Denim 

Only white coloured jeans are selected for this veneer.


A 100% biobased and renewable fiber grown locally.

Jute Coffeebags

Recycled jute coffee bags from the coffee and chocolate industry. 

Stewardess (Limited)

Recycled stewardess clothing from the Royal Dutch Airline company (KLM).  

Army Green

Made from the clothing of the Dutch army and recycled after their good work for world safety. 

Blue Denim 

Recycled jeans from post-consumer resources or fashion brands.  

  • For the cleaning of the surfaces, use light-moist cotton or microfibre cloth. Then carefully wipe off and rub with a clean dry cotton cloth. Or make use of a feather whisper against dust-gathering. To clean a specific stain we recommend intervening immediately and using an organic solvent (ex. trichloroethylene). Do not use abrasive sponges as they may damage the product’s surface. Avoid using acidic products, solvents, and products containing ammonia. Periodic and correct maintenance allows the product to keep its original aspect and lengthen the duration of its performance.

    Only recommended for indoor use.

  • The veneer is made of recycled textiles and biological fibres in combination with a biodegradable matrix. It is splash-proof, however, it is not water-resistant.

  • The Rezign® Veneer has a gross size of 3050x1000 mm with a thickness of 1 - 1.3 mm. The nett dimension is 3000x970 mm.

    Please see the Rezign® Technical Sheet for more information

  • The veneer can be glued to various wood panels. For sustainable glues, we recommend Circuwall Glue, Niaga Glue. But Standard D3 and spray glue are possible as well.

    For the panels we suggest, for example, Greengridz, Ecor, MDF, Chipwood etcetera. This method is perfect for panels, doors, tabletops or any other products with a solid look. For the edge banding, we recommend using a standard edge banding machine.

    Please note: when pressing in order to attach the veneer to the panel, please be aware that the heat must not be higher than 80°C.

  • There are several ways to process the Rezign® Veneer. It is recommended to test and learn different processing techniques before designing.

    For more information regarding editing the veneer, we recommend reading the Rezign® Technical sheet.

  • The veneer will be shipped with the gross size as rolls in a box. Six veneers fit one box. Horizontal transport is also possible on request.